Sunday, January 31, 2016

Motor: Logic

Trying to install the clutch basket into the model motor and hit something of a logic roadblock.

All these things are true:

  1. Installed by itself, drive gear fits correctly onto the crank and engages the primary driven gear.
  2. The drive gear installs correctly into the clutch basket.
  3. The clutch basket installs correctly onto the crankshaft without the drive gear in place.
  4. BUT... with the drive gear installed in the clutch basket, the assembly will not mate with the crankshaft.
The only thing I can figure is that with the drive gear in place, it's putting the center of the basket slightly off center so it can't line up correctly to engage splines on the crankshaft.

If that's the case, though, what's the fix?

[2/3 edit]
So, the fix is that you just unpack the basket, repack it, and viola.  I guess the plates were just a little off center.  Still not sure how to guarantee they line up the first time...

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